Just a taste of what’s been going on

April 29, 2013

So a lot has happened with me in the last several months. I have written four more books since I was last on here, two of which are in the editing process as we speak. First off a big thank you for those who helped me out last year with the funding for Unforgivable 2, I reached my goal and was able to have it edited and got everything worked out and it is available on Kindle, paperback and all other E-readers. And I must say from the reviews that have been coming in, people are loving it as much as or even more then the first. Unforgivable 1 holds a 4.8 out of 5 stars with 16 reviews and Unforgivable 2 holds a 4.9 with 8 reviews, just to give you an idea of how well received it has been. For those of you who don’t know the story it is a dark fiction/horror tale of deep, graphic revenge and I would suggest reading some of the reviews before purchasing it as it is not for the faint of heart.

            My newest book release was my Anthology, Broken Shards of a Masterpiece, which is a collection of 11 short stories ranging from horror, mystery, romance, fantasy and fiction. (I also featured a short story at the end from my darling wife) I decided to do this book because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone (which is normally fantasy and horror) and try some different styles of writing to see how I did. Well to be completely honest I shock myself (and no I am not meaning to gloat) but I was surprised at how easily some of the stories came to me. I was even more surprised at how greatly accepted they were by my beta readers and editor. And due to its highly popular demand and amazing reviews I will be putting out another Anthology likely end of this year or beginning of next.

            I finished Fall of a King: Brothers of Blood, which for those of you who don’t know is book 2 to my main fantasy series. The reason this book has taken so long to go into the editing process is because I was in talks with a publisher who wanted to pick up the whole series. They read book 1 and loved it, they read book 2 and loved it; but wanted me to take one of the most important parts of book 2 out because they didn’t like the subject matter. So after a few weeks of bantering back and forth about why the part couldn’t be taken out and what they would want me to change it with if I did take it out (because I was willing to consider it if they had good enough reasons and a good enough solution) it turned out we could not come to an agreement and so I told them no I would not publish with them because I would not sacrifice my storyline/plot/character development because they didn’t “approve” of what happens to one of the characters. Needless to say as bummed as I was that it didn’t work out it was for the better. Publishers are going to have to come to the realisation that they aren’t in dominating control of writers anymore. Would I like to see my books picked up by a publisher, yes of course I would. Will I allow them to control my works by completely destroying the storyline and plot, not a chance. My fans and readers have come to respect me too much for my style and storylines/plots for me to allow someone else to dictate that for me. So I truly believe the right choice was made by me telling them no and hopefully in June when the book is released you will all get a chance to see why I did so.

Here is the cover for Broken Shards


And here is the cover for Brothers of Blood


About authorjamesfuller

My name is James Fuller, I'm an author from Kelowna BC Canada. I've been married to my best friend (and publicist) for nearly 6 years, together we have a beautiful little boy who just turned 2 this past April. I'm here to simply write some reviews on favourite books and add in some clipits of my everyday day.
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